The Next Generation of Female Angels

Cadence Johnson is president of the European Business Angel Network (EBAN), bringing together a community of investors and entrepreneurs on a massive scale.

EBAN has recently started a program called Rising Tide Europe, which aims to provide support to female angel investors. The programme provides training on how experts conduct due diligence, as well as negotiating and managing investments.

“We are focusing on women angel investors because it is an un-tapped pool and we want to create a “nation of investors” in Europe.”
– Cadence Johnson, President of EBAN

Within the first phase of Rising Tide Europe, the group raised €1 Million, and has invested in 5 companies across Europe with the aim of taking those figures to €2 Million, with investments in 15 companies by phase 2.

The umbrella organisation of Rising Tide Europe, EBAN, has an impressive portfolio of 150 investor organisations and represents a sector estimated to invest over €7.5 Billion a year, driving growth and job creation across the continent.

EBAN is a European trade association of business angels, seed funds, and early-stage market players.

“We are a Network of Networks dedicated to creating a ‘Nation of Investors’ here in Europe to insure that we have a ‘Next Generation’ and not a ‘Lost Generation.’ We encourage, inspire, and help private investors to make the best investments in innovative companies that will change the world for the better”
– Cadence Johnson

During Cadence’s time as president of EBAN, she has co-founded MBAN, the Middle East and North Africa Business Angel Network and ABAN, the African Business Angel Network.

The lack of female CEOs and directors of corporate houses has haunted companies for a long time. With more women starting up companies and another batch of female investors backing them up, this could change this equation.

Cadence Johnson worked to kickstart a number of companies in the telecommunication sector before turning an investor herself.

She now runs a firm called Johnson Paradigm Ventures and was appointed Officer of the German Federal Order of Merit for her work in privatising telecommunications and media throughout Germany and Europe.

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