FIDO is Using Machine Learning and Blockchain to Keep Dogs Safe

Pet owners often view their companions as an irreplaceable member of the family. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), pet owners, many of whom are young adults, spent over $72 billion in pet-related goods and services in the United States in 2018.

“Millennials continue to be the largest pet-owning demographic and this shows in the data,” Bob Vetere, president and CEO of the APPA, said in a statement. “We know this generation is willing to pay more for quality products and services to improve the health and well-being of their pets. Today more than ever, pet owners view their pets as irreplaceable members of their families and lives, and it’s thanks to this that we continue to see such incredible growth within the pet care community.”

Dog walking and pet sitting are among the services that pet owners utilise to take care of their beloved pets. However, some people are hesitant to let anyone take care of their pets.

Startups such as FIDO want to restore trust to the pet services industry. Based in New York City, the on-demand dog-walking technology company uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain to ensure that pets are accounted for and safe.

“The most valuable asset to any business is trust,” founder Joshua Way said in a statement. “Without it, you will fail.”

FIDO, which stands for Find and Identify Dogs Online, wants to give dog owners peace of mind while their pet is in someone else’s care. The company’s tech services monitor a dog’s condition and location at any time, reporting the entire chain of events until the dog arrives back home.

“The use of our patented MARY AI technology and FIDO software alleviates any security concern, both internal and external,” explained CTO Jake Perez. “What this means is that the entire process, from hailing a walker, to the door being locked, is all logged, vetted, and verified; our internal data is secured using advanced and enhanced data encryption methods, as well as quantum-proof technology.”

Using emerging technologies, FIDO aims to be the safe, trustworthy solution for man’s best friend.

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