Comedy Crowd TV Comedy Crowd TV

3 Free Ways to Get Creative & Become Famous During Quarantine 

Being stuck at home and social distancing sucks for the most part. But, the upside is, it saves lives. And, many are using quarantine downtime to level-up by learning new skills and finally, taking up that project or hobby that they always seemed too busy for. 

As such, brands big and small are using this as an opportunity to get more people to try their products by offering free sign-ups and subscriptions. 

Here are 3 free things to try in April and Beyond:


Apple is giving free 90 Day access to Logic Pro X and Premiere Pro

Logic Pro X

If there was ever a time to become a YouTube sensation — that time is now! All systems go if you want that influencer life. You have a captive audience, they have nowhere to go and after extending the Final Cut Pro X free trial to 90 days, Apple is now offering the same with Logic Pro X.

Whether you want to make your own quarantine comedy videos, record an album or produce a podcast, these two programmes have all the production power and creative tools you need.

Logic Pro X is Apple’s DAW (digital audio workstation) and includes a huge collection of instruments, effects, and loops, providing a complete toolkit to create amazing-sounding music. Moreover, the interface lets you create, build and design a huge range of sounds, composing soundtracks, mixing and mastering the music for your film.


Fender is giving you three months of guitar lessons online, for free


Time to wipe down the guitar that’s been gathering in dust in the corner for years as a passive-aggressive reminder that you might not be the next Carlos Santana after all. 

Chin-up, there is still hope. And COVID-19 is making sure you have plenty of time.

The famed guitar-maker Fender is now offering three months of free lessons online, in guitar, bass or even ukelele, to wannabe musicians all over the world.

Expect high-resolution videos with and real humans as teachers, and you can track your progress online. You can either follow along to videos or practise at your own pace, with adjustable scrolling tablature and a metronome. 


Comedy Crowd TV is offering 30 days free access

Find more hilarious content at

So you have done the impossible and finished Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime TV. You have scrolled to the end of Instagram and the coronavirus memes are not making you chuckle like they used to — before you were imprisoned by lockdown and it got truly real…

Comedy Crowd TV to the rescue!

Comedy Crowd TV is the world’s first comedy channel powered by the “crowd” of creators, fans, producers and broadcasters.

Throughout April, they are offering you an escape with 30 days of free access to their channel which showcases the best of independent comedy shorts, sketch shows and series.

In addition, the platform is supporting comedy clubs and organisations who have been hit by the recent restrictions. Participating companies have been given an exclusive code and if you enter it when signing up for your free trial, and then continue your access beyond the 30 days, then they will receive half of your £12 access fee!

Comedy Crowd was set up by Jon Jayson, Peter Wright and Omar Nasar — 3 comedy creators who know how hard it can be to break into the biz. Their mission is to open opportunities for comedy talent from all backgrounds, including those marginalised by the traditional closed system, and generate exciting new comedy content.

Whether you are hungry for new content or ready to share what you have created with your new-found guitar skills or editing chops, Comedy Crowd is the place to be. 

To get a taste of the shows you can watch today on Comedy Crowd TV, check out the founders top 5 picks here.

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