How One Company Changed the Face of Corporate Art for Big Tech

Buck is a company that creates corporate artwork for some of the world’s largest tech companies. Their mission…
Rays of light in a forest -- Taara Rays of light in a forest -- Taara

Taara: Generating High-Speed Internet Through Beams of Light

The year 2020 has exposed the universal need for reliable access to the internet. With the lockdowns, stay-at-home…
Bas Timmer, Sheltersuit Bas Timmer, Sheltersuit

Bas Timmer’s Sheltersuit Provides Portable Shelter for the Homeless

In 2014, Dutch fashion designer Bas Timmer was struck by the news that a close friend’s father had…
João Carlos Martins with the Bionic Extender Gloves João Carlos Martins with the Bionic Extender Gloves

The “Bionic Gloves” Helping a Renowned Pianist to Play Again

João Carlos Martins was Brazil’s most acclaimed pianist for decades. The 2017 movie “João, o Maestro” follows his…